Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

-James Baldwin-

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Common Convo The Move Forward

Civil Rights Partner…..$5,000 (2)

As a Juneteenth Civil Rights Partner you will receive a logo on all print and digital collateral material, Swag/Business promotions in panelist/guest gift bags, You will also receive (1) .15 second video placement during any panel discussion, and a company name or logo on step and repeat wall or stage set buildout. 5 rotations of Logo/ Video (.15 second ad) in 3rd position on video wall/s during festival and events, Company name or logo on step and repeat wall or stage set build-outs. *Vendor Booth at Juneteenth Festival 2024, and logo and or placement on street banners.


Juneteenth Grassroots Partner …..$2500 (6)

As a Juneteenth Grassroots Rights Partner you will receive:  Place marketing material at all events, Logo on house screens (1) video placement during the panel discussion, logo placement on all print festival materials, logo on most festivals print Collateral Material (print and digital), 2 rotations of Logo on video wall/s during festival and events, Company name or logo on step and repeat wall or stage set build-outs. for all June dates. *Vendor Booth at Juneteenth Festival 2024, and logo and or placement on street banners.

Juneteenth Family Partner …..$1000

As a Juneteenth Family Partner, you will receive a logo on print collateral material, a mention/tag on social media, and a company name in production credits. *Vendor Booth at Juneteenth Festival 2024, and logo and or placement on street banners.

Juneteenth Friend & Family Partner …..$500

As a Juneteenth Friend Partner,
you will receive a logo collateral material, and a company name in production credits. *Vendor Booth at Juneteenth Festival 2024, and logo and or placement on street banners and digital graphics.

Juneteenth Friend …..$250

 As a  Juneteenth Friend, you will receive your name on most print collateral material. *Vendor Booth at Juneteenth Festival 2024, and logo placement on street banner.

Welcome to the revolution

It won’t be the WAR that kills you. it will be the SILENCE of Your EN-ACTION it’s time we REDESIGN AMERICA

-Miguel Hampton- 2020

Make Check payable to:
F5 Enterprise, LLC  / Memo: CC:
The Move Forward 2023

Mailing Address:
F5 Enterprises, LLC
1611 East Main St.
New Albany, Indiana 47150

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